A discretionary managed investment solution, using a multi asset approach, designed to cover a number of different risk profiles to meet a range of client needs and goals.
Fourth Quarter 2016
Portfolio returns were neutral to slightly negative over the fourth quarter. In November, the performance of European equities and emerging markets as well as a slight rise in the value of sterling weighed down on performance. We then recovered most of these losses in December.
Applying our core investment principles has led to many strategies benefiting from:
- Diversification - Currency gains from overseas equities have benefited returns for UK investors in recent months amid weakness in sterling (more so for the more globally oriented strategies).
- Value - We have limited exposure to government bonds – which we see as poor value – but continue to favour investment grade corporate bonds on a selective basis. While European and Japanese equities have underperformed since the start of the year, we see them as attractively valued relative to global peers.
- Patience - Long-term thematic positions, such as emerging market equities.
Spotlight On
Diversification through trend-following alternative strategies
With interest rates set to rise further in the US and expectations of higher inflation, the long-term return prospects for government bonds have deteriorated. As a result, we have been adding diversified sources of returns to portfolios that are uncorrelated with risky assets, such as equities, through two new alternative strategies:
Attractive valuations in healthcare
We believe the healthcare sector presents an attractive long-term investment opportunity, where demographic trends should support strong and consistent earnings. Yet share prices had fallen in the months before the US election over concerns that drug prices could come under pressure if Hillary Clinton became president. We took advantage of the attractive valuations by adding one of two funds in this sector:
Increasing exposure to sterling
In the days following the Brexit result, sterling depreciated rapidly to multi-year lows against other major currencies. Although it remains depressed, we believe the pound’s valuation will move back in line with its long-term average in the months ahead. To take advantage of this expected appreciation, we are increasing our sterling exposure by:
Value investing in Japan
For a full breakdown of all the underlying funds within the strategies, please refer to our monthly factsheets, available from your private banker or wealth manager.
Holdings and
Portfolio Update
Early in the quarter we added healthcare, and also several trend-following hedge fund strategies. This was done largely at the expense of government bonds and also reduced our previously high cash weightings substantially in client portfolios, from about 9% to 3% in a typical balanced portfolio. We believe these strategies have limited correlation to equity markets, providing diversification benefits while also offering higher potential returns than government bonds.
In December, we took profits on overseas assets that have delivered strong returns (boosted by sterling weakness in the aftermath of the Brexit result) and repatriated those proceeds into sterling-denominated assets. Our analysis suggests sterling’s valuation should move higher from current historically low levels, back in line with its long-term average in the months ahead.
Summary of moves
- Exposure added to the healthcare sector at what we believe were attractive valuations. Added alternative strategies that can provide similar diversification benefits to government bonds, but where we see greater return potential
- Took profit on overseas assets that had benefited from sterling weakness and increased exposure to sterling-denominated assets given our forecast that the pound would appreciate
The value of investments and any income from them can go down as well as up, and you may not recover the amount of your original investment. Where an investment involves exposure to a foreign currency, changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of the investment, and the income from it, to go up or down.
In the case of some investments, they may be illiquid and there may be no recognised market for them and it may therefore be difficult for you to deal in them or obtain reliable information about their value or the extent of the risks to which they are exposed.
Investments in emerging markets are subject to certain special risks, which include, for example, a certain degree of political instability, relatively unpredictable financial market trends and economic growth patterns, a financial market that is still in the development stage and a weak economy.
Important information
Wealth division of NatWest Group.
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