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Today’s business landscape is fast-moving and the need to be connected is greater than ever. Our commercial banking channels are designed to make our clients’ lives easier, while maintaining the quality of specialist advice synonymous with Coutts.

On hand to help you

Coutts experts understand the pressures of the commercial world and the multiple challenges facing those we work with. Having built our own business on our reputation, we understand the value of a personal service.


  • Commercial Banking Relationship

    First-hand expertise in the industries that matter to our clients.

    Coutts has a 300-year history of working with some of the world’s most exceptional businesses. Many of Coutts commercial bankers have professional backgrounds within their sectors, and they are all specialists who know your industry. This first-hand expertise enables us to understand the nuances and challenges facing our clients and to maximise the opportunities their industries present.

    We draw on our in-depth understanding into our clients’ worlds to create relevant banking solutions, while being mindful of their time constraints and priorities. We know that each business is different – from their own products and services to their story and aspirations for the future.

    With a dedicated manager and highly experienced support staff, the Coutts Commercial team will take the time to understand the dynamics of your business and everything that makes it unique. We will then tailor the banking solutions you need to achieve your objectives – minimising the time you and your staff spend on financial management and freeing you up to realise your business ambitions.

    Every aspect of our offering is delivered by dedicated experts with long-standing relationships with our clients. Personal service is complemented by innovative and convenient touch-points: from our digital services to our dedicated telephony service, Businessline.

    With our commercial bankers’ relationships with clients averaging more than 12 years, we pride ourselves on our intelligent relationships.

  • Businessline

    Because there is no such thing as a typical working day.

    Businessline, our dedicated telephone service, is available to Coutts Commercial clients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Working in tandem with your dedicated commercial banker, the Businessline team caters for those instances when routine banking matters can be dealt with more efficiently by telephone.

    The team is on hand to manage your day-to-day banking matters – from digital enquiries and requesting balances to amending standard payments and transferring funds. Businessline is also there to help with card-related issues, to place funds on deposit and discuss basic lending requests.

  • Coutts Online

    Anytime Access.

    Coutts Online provides instant access to your bank accounts, deposits and investment portfolios. Able to make transfers and payments, Coutts Online has been developed to meet your commercial needs. With flexible administration and user management capability, elected business administrators can manage employee and client payments, ensuring complete oversight of your business finances.


    To enhance connectivity with your key Coutts advisers, you can create email and text alerts, and our secure messaging capability will connect you to named Coutts contacts, allowing for messages and attachments to be sent securely, without the need for further encryption.

    Read more on staying safe online

    With many of our clients opting for digital statements, Coutts Online will enable you to manage statements online and create email and text alerts. With full details of cheques and credits that are paid into your account, clients can upload payment files and manage supplier and salary payments.

    Technical and browser Information


    Coutts Online is available to clients aged 18 years and over with a Coutts account.

  • Counter services

    We offer a full counter service at our headquarters in 440 Strand. Any cash deposit of £10,000 or more (£20,000 for businesses) and single or monthly withdrawals of £20,000 or more should be made by arrangement and, if required, discussed with your banker.

    Alternatively, our clients are able to visit any NatWest or Royal Bank of Scotland branch to pay in cash and cheques and make withdrawals – by prior arrangement only. If you live in or visit a rural community, the NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland mobile branches could provide a convenient alternative. 

    Single and annual limits for deposits are now in place across the banking industry.

    In line with these limits, Coutts private clients can deposit up to £50,000 per year in cash at branches and unlimited cheques using a pre-printed paying in slip. Businesses should not exceed the annual limit of £200,000.

    To arrange a cashing facility, or for further information, please contact Coutts 24 or your banker.



    Please note, transactions carried out in a NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland or respective Mobile Branch:

    • Will be processed overnight and therefore will not show on your account immediately.
    • May take longer to reach your account if the vehicle is delayed due to circumstances such as by bad weather or road congestion.

    To ensure the timetable is fulfilled in all of the communities visited, this service is only able to operate within the published timetable.

  • Post office services

    You can get access to a range of counter services at thousands of Post Office branches across the UK. As a Coutts Client, you will now be able to:

    • Check your balance using your debit card or cash card and PIN
    • Withdraw cash using your debit card or cash card and PIN
    • Pay-in cash with your debit card or cash card and PIN
    • Make cheque deposits with a pre-printed paying-in slip. 

    Single and annual limits for deposits are now in place across the banking industry.

    In line with these limits, Coutts clients can deposit up to £3,000 per day in cash and unlimited cheques using a pre-printed paying in slip. Deposits for an individual cannot total more than £24,000 annually. For businesses, the annual limit is £100,000.

    To find out more, please speak to your banker.

    Find out more about Post Office banking.

Already a client?

For more information about our
services, please speak to your
adviser or call +44(0) 20 7957 2424.

Become a client

Please get in touch online or call
020 7753 1365 to find out more
about our services.

All calls with Coutts are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Important Information

We are a Registered Firm with the Lending Standards Board which publishes the Standards of Lending Practice for Business Customers. 

Find out more information about the Standards of Lending Practice

Statement of Lender and Borrower Responsibilities

From 1 April 2025, we will no longer be a part of the Lending Standards Board (LSB’s) Standards of Lending Practice for Business Customers. Membership of the LSB is voluntary for the banking and lending industry. Our decision to withdraw does not affect how we treat our clients nor the services and products that we provide.

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