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coutts travel protection

Our comprehensive travel cover includes worldwide travel and loss damage waiver insurance and has been rated 5 star by Defaqto.


Travel Insurance

Provides peace of mind with cover for emergency medical expenses, cancellations and baggage loss.


With no upper age limit, cover extends to the protected client, client's partner and dependent children under 18 years of age and living at home or those within full-time education up to the age of 23 years old. Coutts Travel Protection is supported by a dedicated claims management team that is on hand to simplify the complexity of making a claim. The following benefits are included (subject to full policy terms and conditions):

  • protection for up to 93 days on trips abroad and up to 28 days’ winter sports cover
  • unlimited medical expenses cover
  • cancellation and curtailment up to the value of £15,000 per beneficiary
  • baggage loss to the value of £10,000, with a single article limit of £1,000 per beneficiary.


loss damage waiver

Loss Damage Waiver, for when you hire a car, is available to clients aged 21-84 and will provide cover for (subject to full policy terms and conditions):

  • excess insurance on car rentals for up to 31 days
  • includes losses up to the value of £55,000 as a result of damage by fire, vandalism, theft or loss of use of the rental vehicle.



eligibility, fee and How to apply

Coutts Travel Protection is available to Coutts private current account holders for £400 per year, charged quarterly in arrears. We will waive the fee if the average value of the combined assets and liabilities that you hold in sole and joint accounts or within a Fee Family is in excess of £1m.

You can apply online via a desktop if you are registered for our digital services (you cannot apply via the Coutts App). 

Prior to making an application, please ensure you have read through the Insurance Product Information Document below for a basic summary of the policy cover and main exclusions. For the full Terms and Conditions of the policy, please read through the Insurance Guide below.


Coutts Travel Protection Insurance Product and Information Document

Coutts Travel Protection insurance guide



Alternatively, please complete the application form below in full, ensuring it’s signed with a wet signature, and return it to us. 


Important information

Coutts Travel Protection includes Travel and Loss Damage Waiver Insurance which is underwritten by AWP P&C SA.

If after calling the insurer, cover for your pre-existing medical condition is declined or you're unhappy with the cost of the additional premium, you may wish to look at an alternative provider. To assist you the FCA has arranged a Directory of Insurance Underwriters who may be able to meet your needs. For further information call 0800 138 7777 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm) or visit the Directory Website.

To register a claim in the first instance, you can call the claims team.

  • Travel Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

    Updated 17 October 2022


    Allianz will follow the policy terms and conditions when assessing any claims. For claims related to travel restrictions to other countries, Allianz will adhere to the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advice. There are three levels:

    • no advice against travel
    • advice against all but essential travel; and
    • advice against all travel

    Cover is valid when there is no FCDO advice against travel. Consideration will be given for 'Essential Travel' so long as evidence can be provided in the event of a claim to support that the nature of the trip made travel essential. There is no cover provided for travel to any destination the FCDO have advised against all travel to, regardless of the reason for the trip.

    The latest FCDO guidance is here.


    before you book your trip or start your journey

    during your trip

    Important information

    Coutts Travel Protection includes Travel and Loss Damage Waiver Insurance which is underwritten by AWP P&C SA.

Contact Us



020 7126 7531 


Opening times:

  • Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
  • weekends and bank holidays – closed

Customer Service and Endorsements 


020 7126 7532

Opening times: 

  • Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm
  • Saturday 9am - 1pm
  • Sundays and bank holidays – closed 

Emergency Medical Assistance


020 7126 7533

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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