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Investing & Performance | 29 February 2024

Coutts awarded five stars across all reported categories in the latest UN PRI 2023 results

The latest scoring for signatories for the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment gives Coutts the top, five-star rating across all categories that were reported on.

Coutts has outperformed our peer group in the latest United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment[1]. The assessment reviewed the 3,781 investment managers and asset owners globally who have signed up to the PRI (up from 2,791 in 2021). Coutts was able to achieve a score above 90 (out of 100) and five stars across all reportable sections – outperforming the median score of our extracted and relevant peer group.

Our Policy Governance and Strategy, which detail our approach to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into our investment and stewardship process, was given a score of 91 by the PRI.

Karen Ermel, Responsible Investing Director at Coutts, noted that “such consistently high scores are a testament to the continuing efforts we are making to improve our responsible investing approach”.

“Crucially, our PRI score was high across all modules, which shows that responsible investing is a core component of our investment philosophy which provides insights that help add conviction to our investment decisions.”

What is the UN PRI?

The United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment.

It was developed with investors, for investors and requires signatories to report on their responsible investment activities annually for independent assessment by the PRI. The PRI is independent and encourages investors to use responsible investment to enhance returns and better manage risks. It does not operate for its own profit and, though it engages with global policymakers, it is not associated with any government. It is supported by, but not part of, the United Nations.

“It’s important for us to get our responsible investing approach validated by external bodies such as the PRI,” says Karen. “It shows that we’re putting our commitments into action and can demonstrate to our clients that our focus on responsible investing is part of our overall investment process.”

How we scored

Source: UN PRI/Coutts (The peer group has filtered down to only include investment managers within Europe, with an AUM band of $10-49.99 billion who submitted and were eligible to report. Medians for modules are calculated as the 50th percentile.)

[1] The peer group has been established by the PRI and is a sub-set of the total reporting population which includes only investment managers within Europe, with an AUM band of $10-49.99bn who submitted and were eligible to report. We feel this gives a fair comparison to our closest peers in signatory type, geography and AUM. The full unfiltered transparency report and assessment report can be found on


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