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Responsible Investing

We call our approach ‘responsible investing’ to signal that we consider the environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues that could impact the returns and resilience of your investments.

Why we do it

We believe strong management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities are important drivers for the creation of long-term shareholder value.

Why we do it

We believe strong management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities are important drivers for the creation of long-term shareholder value.

How we do it

We integrate ESG considerations into our investment process through our Responsible Investing Framework.

This includes:

1. Selection and monitoring of investments

2. Voting and engagement

3. Exclusions

4. Working collaboratively with industry.

Please see below for more information on how we do this.

How we do it

We integrate ESG considerations into our investment process through our Responsible Investing Framework.

This includes:

1. Selection and monitoring of investments

2. Voting and engagement

3. Exclusions

4. Working collaboratively with industry.

Please see below for more information on how we do this.

Where we do it

We apply responsible investing across the assets where we have discretion to manage on our customers' behalf, which we refer to as managed assets.

When investing, the value of your investments, and the income you receive from them, can go down as well as up and you may not get back as much as you invested. The content on this page applies to our core Discretionary Portfolio Service (DPS), Personal Portfolio Funds (PPF) and Coutts Managed Funds (CMaF) which we refer to as managed assets. To view our key terms and their meanings, please visit our further information page.

  • Investment Selection

    Our Managed Assets are invested in custom-built and third-party funds, with limited direct exposure to equities and bonds. The custom-built funds are managed via our strategic relationships where Asset Management defines the investment parameters and ESG policies.

    While we do not define the investment parameters or ESG policies of third-party funds, we assess their climate strategies as part of our net-zero investment framework and consider responsible investing in our fund due diligence process.

  • Stewardship

    Voting and engagement (referred to as stewardship) are two methods we use to influence and communicate with companies and encourage responsible behaviour. Voting rights give us a voice on potential company changes and engagement enables a longer-term, active dialogue to encourage improved disclosure and practices. 

  • Exclusions

    As a responsible investor our preferred strategy is to engage with those companies, however, there are certain investments where we believe that engagement will not be effective or where we decide to take a prudent approach until we gain sufficient confidence that the relevant issues can be addressed. 

  • Global Initiatives

    We understand that acting responsibly is a collective ambition or goal, and this is why we work with some of the world's leading investor initiatives. We take part in industry working groups to set standards around how we can best incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices into investment selection, and we join collaborative engagement initiatives to encourage companies manage material ESG risks and opportunities.

More information on these topics can be found in our Responsible Investment Policy.

To find out how we are approaching climate change, please visit our climate change page.

For all our Responsible Investing policies and disclosures, please visit this page.

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