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Simple, sound financial advice

Ready to be pleasantly surprised? Financial planning with Coutts doesn't have to take long or be complicated – and we've simplified our fees.

Eligibility criteria apply. Coutts works with private clients over 18 who borrow or invest more than £1m with us. The initial consultation is free, but advice and product fees may apply if you decide to progress your financial plan. 

Don't know where to start? We do

Financial peace of mind for you and your loved ones means you can spend your time focusing on what really matters. We can help you plan your finances to ease your concerns, all for a simple, one-off advice fee. Let us help you get started with the basics.


An expertly managed, well-diversified portfolio or fund could help your wealth flourish over the long term and ahead of rising prices.

It might be worth considering investing with a Stocks and Shares ISA. Invest up to a certain amount each tax year and the returns are free from UK income and capital gains tax. You could even get started no with our digital platform Coutts Invest.


An expertly managed, well-diversified portfolio or fund could help your wealth flourish over the long term and ahead of rising prices.

It might be worth considering investing with a Stocks and Shares ISA. Invest up to a certain amount each tax year and the returns are free from UK income and capital gains tax. You could even get started no with our digital platform Coutts Invest.



You might be looking to take capital out of your investments within the next 12 months and need help with planning ahead for your strategy or seeking help with reviewing whether your longer-term income plans are as efficient as possible. 

Our advisors could support you in getting the right plan in place no matter what stage you’re at through visual and comprehensive cash flow planning.


You might be looking to take capital out of your investments within the next 12 months and need help with planning ahead for your strategy or seeking help with reviewing whether your longer-term income plans are as efficient as possible. 

Our advisors could support you in getting the right plan in place no matter what stage you’re at through visual and comprehensive cash flow planning.



Pensions can seem byzantine and scary. But they can also be considered one of the best ways to invest for your retirement.

If you’ve got a host of different pensions, it could be worth bringing them together. Even if you don’t think you’ll need extra support when you’re older, it’s still worth making the most of your pension allowance.

Our specialists can come up with a pension plan now that helps set you up for the future.

Advice fees apply.  When transferring a pension, exit fees may apply. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up, and you may not recover the amount of your original investment.

Tax reliefs referred to are those applying under current legislation which may change. The availability and value of any tax reliefs will depend on your individual circumstances.

What Next?

There are ways to look after your wealth for further down the line – for yourself, your loved ones and future generations. We think they’re well worth considering straight away, because delaying could leave your wealth at risk should anything unfortunate happen to you.

Write or update your will


A well thought-out, up-to-date will is the only way to ensure your money goes where you want after you die.

Your wealth is important to you. You almost certainly want to control what happens to it and who benefits when you’re gone. But without an up-to-date will, it may not go the way you want it to.

Our estate planning team provides a bespoke will writing service that covers the whole process.


Write or update your will


A well thought-out, up-to-date will is the only way to ensure your money goes where you want after you die.

Your wealth is important to you. You almost certainly want to control what happens to it and who benefits when you’re gone. But without an up-to-date will, it may not go the way you want it to.

Our estate planning team provides a bespoke will writing service that covers the whole process.


understand inheritance


You no doubt want your loved ones to inherit as much of your wealth as possible when you die.

Our experts can help explain what inheritance tax is and how to plan for it. 

They can cover the options available to you – from giving gifts to setting up trusts – so you can make informed decisions.


understand inheritance


You no doubt want your loved ones to inherit as much of your wealth as possible when you die.

Our experts can help explain what inheritance tax is and how to plan for it

They can cover the options available to you – from giving gifts to setting up trusts – so you can make informed decisions.


Protect your wealth


You insure your house, your car and your prized possessions. Why wouldn’t you insure the income that makes it all possible?

Protecting your wealth can be a helpful way to ease the concerns for you and your loved ones

Advice fees apply.  When transferring a pension, exit fees may apply. The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up, and you may not recover the amount of your original investment.

Tax reliefs referred to are those applying under current legislation which may change. The availability and value of any tax reliefs will depend on your individual circumstances.

Finances already in good shape? Make sure they stay that way

There’s a lot you can do to ensure your wealth benefits future generations as much as it benefits you.

After all, family wealth often fades through the generations –  so much so that many cultures have a phrase for it. In English, it’s “clogs to clogs in three generations”. The Italians say “from stables to stars to stables”. And for the Japanese, “the third generation ruins the house”.

Whatever the language, we don’t think it has to be true. And that’s why we have a whole department dedicated to helping you stop it from happening.

It's called the Coutts Institute, and it specialises in:

  • Helping you pass your wealth on in the best way.
  • Guiding family discussions about wealth, helping you establish common goals and values.
  • Advising you on how to keep your family business in your family.
  • Supporting your philanthropy, whether you want to support an existing organisation or a charitable trust.

single fee

At Coutts you pay a one-off, flat fee for financial planning or investment advice that could save you money. You will not need to pay for any ongoing advice fee.

What you'll pay

For Financial Planning

£7,000 plus VAT – however complex your financial planning requirements. That covers a range of services including  protecting your wealth, sorting your pension or structuring your finances tax-efficiently.


For investment advice

£3,000 plus VAT – you'll receive tailored advice on our fund and portfolio services, designed to help you grow your wealth over time.

The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up, and you may not recover the amount of your original investment.

Tax reliefs referred to are those applying under current legislation which may change. The availability and value of any tax reliefs will depend on your individual circumstances.

Meet the team

Our specialists bring a wealth of knowledge, know-how and experience to their roles helping our clients get their finances in the best possible shape.

Crucially, they are paid set salaries, and don’t receive any financial incentives to sell you anything. Their only interest is helping you and your family do what’s best for you.

Chioma Patrick

Specialist Adviser

Why should our clients care about financial planning?

It helps people avoid ever saying ‘I wish I did that earlier’ or ‘I wish I’d known that before’. Regular reviews with a financial planning adviser help ensure that everything you can and should be doing with your wealth is discussed and properly thought through.

What do you like about your job?

I enjoy adding value to people’s lives. Hearing from clients that I’ve helped them – whether it’s improving their understanding of inheritance, including inheritance tax, or helping them claw back years of unused pension allowances – makes me feel very valuable indeed. It’s what I strive to do on a daily basis.

And your hobbies?

I absolutely love to travel. In 2019 I spent three weeks in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya that involved trekking the Simien Mountains, a visit to the hottest place on earth in the Danakil Depression, a paradise stay in Zanzibar and a Safari in the Masai Mara.


Colin Jones

Specialist Adviser

Has financial planning changed much?

Over the past 20 years we have seen a complete shift in the industry becoming more accountable and reducing charges, not to mention the inevitable tinkering to financial legislation. Over the last few years I have been proud to see Coutts take a lead on transparency, simplification and cutting costs.

What do you like about your job?

Meeting people, getting to know them, helping them through the process. We offer financial planning to help give people peace of mind that their finances are in order. And, as many of our clients freely acknowledge, just because they’ve achieved great wealth doesn’t make them experts in their personal finances.

What do you do in your spare time?

I have been a Brighton fan since I was a kid and that has taken me through some joyous times, but also some very lean ones!

your questions answered

Watch videos in which you’ll hear directly from our financial planning experts on a range of topics including inheritance tax, wills, buying your dream home, and pension planning.


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