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coutts managed funds

CMaF funds aim to deliver attractive long-term returns by investing in asset classes such as cash, bonds, equities, commodities and property. They offer a range of multi-asset investment options to meet your individual wealth objectives. The USD-denominated global funds have the added flexibility of being available in euros.

funds investment objectives and risk profiles

coutts Managed Funds

latest prices

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    ISIN Fund name Currency NAV Date Change (%)
    GB00BMBWF705 Managed Adventurous 3 GBP Acc GBP 125.78 28/03/2025 -1.36
    GB00BMGSW509 Managed Adventurous 3 GBP Inc GBP 120.38 28/03/2025 -1.36
    GB00BMBWF580 Managed Ambitious 3 GBP Acc GBP 122.60 28/03/2025 -1.06
    GB00BMGSW384 Managed Ambitious 3 GBP Inc GBP 117.18 28/03/2025 -1.06
    GB00BMGSW491 Managed Ambitious 4 GBP Inc GBP 117.21 28/03/2025 -1.06
    GB00BMBWF366 Managed Cautious 3 GBP Acc GBP 113.75 28/03/2025 -0.47
    GB00BMGSW160 Managed Cautious 3 GBP Inc GBP 106.90 28/03/2025 -0.47
    GB00BP6CD838 Coutts Managed Fund - Balanced GBP 3 Acc GBP 117.55 28/03/2025 -0.73
    GB00BP6CD945 Coutts Managed Fund - Balanced GBP 3 Inc GBP 112.11 28/03/2025 -0.73
    GB00BP6CDT41 Coutts Managed Fund - Balanced GBP 4 Inc GBP 112.13 28/03/2025 -0.73
    GB00BP6CDC73 Coutts Managed Fund - Equity GBP 3 Acc GBP 127.69 28/03/2025 -1.44
    GB00BP6CDD80 Coutts Managed Fund - Equity GBP 3 Inc GBP 123.31 28/03/2025 -1.44
    GB00BP6CDG12 Coutts Managed Fund - Equity GBP 4 Inc GBP 123.35 28/03/2025 -1.43
    GB00BM9Y2B13 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Defensive GBP H3 Acc GBP 113.66 28/03/2025 -0.23
    GB00BM9Y2C20 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Defensive GBP H3 Inc GBP 107.26 28/03/2025 -0.23
    GB00BM9Y2N35 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Defensive USD UH3 Acc USD 115.79 28/03/2025 -0.22
    GB00BM9Y2P58 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Defensive USD UH3 Inc USD 109.13 28/03/2025 -0.23
    GB00BM9Y2H74 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Defensive USD UH4 Inc USD 109.16 28/03/2025 -0.23
    GB00BM9XQ494 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Defensive EUR H3 Acc EUR 109.67 28/03/2025 -0.23
    GB00BM9Y4049 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Defensive EUR H3 Inc EUR 103.34 28/03/2025 -0.23
    GB00BKPSH075 Coutts Managed Fund - Defensive GBP 3 Acc GBP 111.25 28/03/2025 -0.20
    GB00BKPTFK66 Coutts Managed Fund - Defensive GBP 3 Inc GBP 104.67 28/03/2025 -0.19
    GB00BKPTFP12 Coutts Managed Fund - Defensive GBP 4 Inc GBP 104.68 28/03/2025 -0.20
    GB00BMB3LV97 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Ambitious GBP H3 Acc GBP 131.20 28/03/2025 -1.15
    GB00BMB3PF10 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Ambitious GBP H3 Inc GBP 126.96 28/03/2025 -1.16
    GB00BMB3PP18 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Ambitious GBP H4 Inc GBP 126.99 28/03/2025 -1.16
    GB00BMB3P065 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Ambitious USD UH3 Acc USD 134.39 28/03/2025 -1.16
    GB00BMB3P172 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Ambitious USD UH3 Inc USD 129.98 28/03/2025 -1.16
    GB00BMWP3C98 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Ambitious EUR H3 Acc EUR 126.91 28/03/2025 -1.15
    GB00BMWP3D06 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Ambitious EUR H3 Inc EUR 122.68 28/03/2025 -1.15
    GB00BMB3LJ77 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Balanced GBP H3 Acc GBP 122.54 28/03/2025 -0.77
    GB00BMB3LK82 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Balanced GBP H3 Inc GBP 117.87 28/03/2025 -0.77
    GB00BMB3LM07 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Balanced GBP H4 Inc GBP 117.92 28/03/2025 -0.77
    GB00BMB2DW14 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Balanced USD UH3 Acc USD 125.27 28/03/2025 -0.77
    GB00BMB2DX21 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Balanced USD UH3 Inc USD 120.43 28/03/2025 -0.77
    GB00BMB3N805 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Balanced EUR H3 Acc EUR 118.39 28/03/2025 -0.76
    GB00BMB3N912 Coutts Managed Fund - Global Balanced EUR H3 Inc EUR 113.81 28/03/2025 -0.76

    Page Last Updated: 31/03/2025

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The information, products and services referred to on this website are not directed at any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country outside those where these may lawfully be offered.

This website is a Financial Promotion for UK regulatory purposes.

Coutts Managed Funds are sub funds of RBS Investment Funds ICVC, an investment company with variable capital, authorised by Financial Conduct Authority. RBS Investment Funds ICVC is a UK UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive 014/91/EU as implemented in the UK) operating under the COLL Sourcebook and is constituted as an “umbrella company” under the Open-Ended Investment Companies Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No.1228) as amended or re-enacted from time to time, which means that RBS Investment Funds ICVC issues Shares linked to different Funds pursuant to the Open-Ended Investment Companies Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No.1228) as amended or re-enacted from time to time.

This website is intended to provide a summary of certain features of the fund so you can consider if it might be of interest to you however, nothing on this website should be construed as a solicitation or offer, or recommendation, to buy or sell securities or any other investment or banking product, or to provide any investment advice or service. Nothing contained on this website constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice and is not to be relied on in making an investment or other decision.

Before investing, you should review the fund’s prospectus, supplemental prospectus and key investor information document. Copies of these are available from your Wealth Manager or on this site.   In addition you should obtain relevant and specific professional advice before making any investment decision.

The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not recover the amount of your original investment. Where an investment involves exposure to a foreign currency, changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of the investment and the income from it to go up or down. Past performance and any projected returns should not be taken as a guide to future performance.

The information contained in this website is believed to be correct as at today’s date, but cannot be guaranteed. Opinions and projections constitute our judgment as at today’s date and are subject to change. To the extent permitted by law and regulation neither Coutts & Co nor any connected company accepts responsibility for any direct or indirect or consequential loss suffered by you or any other person as a result of your acting, or deciding not to act, in reliance upon the above.

Not all products and services offered by the individual Coutts companies are available in all jurisdictions and some products and services may be available only through particular Coutts companies. Certain aspects of the service may be performed through, or with the support of, different members of The NatWest Group, of which Coutts & Co is a member.