investing with coutts
Find out more about our Coutts Invest Pension and ISA service.
You must be over the age of 18 and under the age of 75 and be a UK resident for tax purposes. You cannot access your pension benefits before the age of 55. The value of investments can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back the full amount you invest. Eligibility criteria, fees and charges apply. When transferring any existing pensions, exit fees may apply.
Different ways to invest with Coutts invest
Coutts Invest lets you invest directly into a fund using a general investment account (or GIA) or take advantage of the tax reliefs offered by an Individual Savings Account (ISA) or a pension plan (our Coutts Invest Pension) or both. Which route is right for you will depend on your personal circumstances including how much of your annual ISA and pension contribution allowances you have used.
The following is a high level guide on the tax situation of each of these ways of investing.
. | Personal Pension | Stocks and Shares Individual Savings Account (ISA) | General Investment Account (GIA) |
Money In | Basic rate tax is added to your personal pension. Under current tax law, this effectively increases your contribution by 25%. For example, if you pay a lump sum of £3,000 into your pension, £750 will be reclaimed from HMRC on your behalf, giving you a total contribution of £3,750. If you pay tax above the basic rate band you may be able to claim further tax relief. The amount of tax relief available is dependent on your level of income and available Annual Allowance.
No tax relief. Contributions are limited to your Annual ISA Allowance, currently £20,000 a year. |
No tax relief. No limit on how much you can invest. |
Fund | Your investment fund grows free of UK income tax and capital gains tax. Certain foreign investments may be subject to foreign taxes. |
Your investment grows free of UK income tax and capital gains tax. Certain foreign investments may be subject to foreign taxes even when held in an ISA. |
The Personal Portfolio Funds are Offshore Reporting Funds for UK tax purposes. You may be subject to tax in income earned by the fund. Capital gains on investments held by the fund are not subject to UK capital gains tax. |
Money Out | Benefits can only be taken after age 55 (expected to rise to 57 in 2028). Up to 25% of your pension pot may be taken as a tax free lump sum. You can take more than 25% as cash if you want to, but anything over the tax-free allowance will usually be subject to tax. You don’t pay tax on amounts used to buy an income through an annuity. However, the income from the annuity will be liable for income tax. Drawdown income will also be liable to income tax. Benefits can be accessed flexibly to help mitigate your potential income tax liability. (Please note that you will have to transfer your Coutts Invest pension pot to another provider in order to start taking your pension benefits.) You may face additional tax charges if you exceed the Lifetime Allowance on the value of your pension benefits. |
You can take the money from your ISA at any time and pay no UK income tax or capital gains tax. There is no lifetime limit on the value of your ISA holdings. |
You can take your money out at any time. Gains on the sale of your shares in the fund in excess of your tax free allowance may be subject to UK capital gains tax. There are no limits on how much you can invest through a GIA |
investing in pensions
What is a pension and why would you want one?
As we do not provide tax advice, you should seek independent tax advice as required. The comments provided above are based on our understanding of current tax law which applies to UK resident and domiciled individuals not subject to tax elsewhere. Tax law is subject to change, including with possible retrospective effect. The availability and value of any tax reliefs will depend on your personal circumstances.
As always with investments, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you invest. The information in this article should not be regarded as financial advice.
Transferring your pension
It might be a good idea to transfer your pension to Coutts.
Keeping all your pension savings in one place can make it easier to keep track of how much you have saved for your pension. Transferring to the Coutts Invest Pension will also mean that you benefit from our in-house investment expertise, with each of the five funds invested in a diversified portfolio of assets, in a transparent and low-cost manner.
Making a transfer is usually very simple. You’ll just have to let us know which providers you have pension pots with and we will contact them to arrange the transfer. Normally, within a few days the money will be transferred to your Coutts Invest Pension. Although in some cases this may take a little longer.
Your current provider may ask you to sign a letter or fill in a form. In addition, while Coutts Invest won’t charge you for transfers, your current provider may have an exit charge. If you’re uncertain, you should get in touch with your provider.
Before deciding on whether to transfer it is always a good idea to check whether any of your existing pension plans have benefits or features which are important to you as these may be lost on transfer. Examples of benefits or features which an existing plan may have are:
- Guaranteed Annuity Rates (GARs)
- Waiver of Premium Benefit (WOPB)
- Some form of guaranteed rate of return on your investment or minimum level of income in retirement
- Tax-free cash in excess of the standard 25% of the value of your fund at retirement
- A protected retirement age where you are allowed to take retirement benefits before age 55
It’s important that you find out if the above features and benefits or any other valuable benefits are attached to your existing pension plans before deciding whether to transfer them to the Coutts Invest Pension as these features will be lost when you transfer.
Please also note that if you decide to go ahead with a transfer there will be a period whilst the transfer of funds is completed where you will not be invested. The investment markets could rise or fall during this time and there is the possibility that you won’t benefit from gains made in the investment markets whilst you are not invested.
We are unable to accept the transfer of defined benefit (often known as final salary) pensions. If you are considering transferring from a defined benefit scheme you may wish to seek independent financial advice.
HMRC may regard a pension transfer as a chargeable lifetime transfer subject to inheritance tax if you are in serious ill health and die within two years.
individual savings account (ISA)
Individual Savings Accounts are another tax efficient way of investing in Coutts Invest.
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