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Personal Finance | 14 January 2025

Helping a client sell their business and manage their new-found wealth

Our support included finding the right corporate finance firm, dealing with the emotion of selling their business and ensuring their children could benefit from it.


This case study is based on the various ways we support our clients to demonstrate how we help them. We have changed some of the details to protect client confidentiality.


The situation

Our client, in their mid-thirties, wanted to sell their business within 18 months and needed help to do so. They also wanted support managing the large sum of wealth it ultimately generated. 


The issue

As our client’s business was in a relatively niche sector – green technology – they wanted to work with a corporate finance house that truly understood it.

They were approached by several firms but were unsure which one to work with. They didn’t have any friends or colleagues in a similar position with whom they could discuss their options. 

Our solution

Our corporate finance referral team took time to understand what the client was looking for and assess their options before suggesting a suitable company for them to work with.

But our support did not end there.

Our team kept in close contact with the client throughout the sale to ensure they were satisfied with their decision.

We also arranged for them to attend the Coutts Business Exit Programme Day – a day of talks and networking designed to support those selling an enterprise. This included sessions about dealing with the emotions involved, and the chance to speak to other entrepreneurs doing the same thing.

The client successfully sold their business for £30 million. Following that sale, we stressed to them the importance of taking time to structure their new wealth. And they decided to initially put their money into a fixed deposit savings account while they explored their options.

Several meetings then took place for the client and their accountant with our experts, including:

  • our financial planning specialists to discuss the potential benefits of investing, insurance and inheritance tax planning
  • our estate planning team to help them ensure their will was up to date and to arrange trusts for their two children – ensuring a tax-efficient way to pass on their wealth
  • our NatWest Accelerator Hub so they could look into becoming a mentor for young entrepreneurs growing their businesses – something they were keen to pursue 

Eligibility criteria apply for our services. Fees and charges may apply.

The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up, and you may not recover the amount of your original investment. You should continue to hold cash for your short-term needs.

Tax reliefs referred to are those applying under current legislation which may change. The availability and value of any tax reliefs will depend on your individual circumstances.

This case study should not be taken as advice.


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