Investing & Performance | 10 July 2024
Case Study: “I cannot recommend Coutts highly enough” – How we helped a client secure new commercial capital
Our client required a remortgaging to finance potential new income streams and growth, they share why they found our service “exceptional from the outset”.

The situation
Our client, a seasoned entrepreneur, required a remortgaging solution to help them secure further working capital for their business. To do this they wanted to take out a loan against their personal assets – namely their private London property.
“A good friend and neighbour recommended that I approach Coutts to refinance my existing mortgage. He had told me that he had received a great rate and fantastic customer service.”
“My mortgage was not entirely straightforward as it was secured against my personal property but serviced by a family property company. Further, and as luck would have it, the refinancing was required in early 2024, at perhaps the most challenging time since the financial crisis of 2008, when rates were rising and there was a great deal of uncertainty amongst lenders. I had already approached my existing lender, as well as number of other lenders and a whole of market broker.”
the solution
We were able to provide a remortgage, securing 75% leverage by taking into account the client’s range of assets and proven income streams.
“My Coutts relationship manager, Travis Millyard, was exceptional from the outset: he took the time and trouble to thoroughly understand our business and comprehensively review our assets. He recommended that we look to refinance the company's primary mortgage from another bank as well as another small loan from another lender that was at a relatively penal rate.
“In so doing, the company's overall debt servicing costs were materially reduced providing significant savings to the company as well as improving the debt servicing ratio. The loan was processed swiftly, efficiently and with minimal inconvenience at a better rate and higher quantum than other lenders.
“I cannot recommend Coutts highly enough, they are by some margin the best high net worth lender operating in the UK market.”
This case study illustrates the service one of our clients received from us. Where quoted this is their personal opinion.
All credit is subject to approval and affordability checks. Terms and conditions apply. Over 18s only. Security may be required. Product fees may apply.
Any property that is used as security, which may include your home, may be repossessed if you do not keep up payments on a mortgage or other debt secured on it.
You may not be eligible for all Coutts mortgage solutions.
Where debt is spread over a longer period, the overall amount to be repaid could be higher.
Think carefully before securing other debts against your home.
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