Ukraine invasion: Keeping our clients informed
What a panel of experts, including a former Foreign Office specialist, had to say about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at a recent client event. It’s part of a suite of material available to our clients to keep them up to date.
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When you become a client of Coutts, you will be part of an exclusive networkVladimir Putin may have made a strategic error through his invasion of Ukraine by enabling the West “to become more united than it’s been for a long time,” Coutts Chairman Lord Waldegrave told clients at a recent event.
He said it was now up to the politicians and the diplomats to find a sustainable outcome, adding that “face has to be saved”.
He was speaking at an event for Coutts’ clients during which a panel of experts, that included members of our investment team, discussed the potential repercussions of the invasion.
Coutts International Adviser and former Foreign Office conflict expert Scott Livingstone, CMG OBE, told the audience finding a solution would be difficult.
“I fail to see how Putin or the West will be satisfied with Russia keeping the rebel-held areas of Eastern Ukraine,” he said. “Designing the off ramp will be difficult.”
A full report and recording of the event is available to Coutts clients alongside a range of articles, thought pieces and explainers to keep them informed of the potential economic and investment implications of current events.
Other material either on our hub for clients or coming soon includes:
- Our investment view: an article outlining our views on how the invasion could affect markets and how we’re positioned within our own client portfolios and funds.
- Lessons from history: A look at what’s happened to markets during previous major events.
- How you can support those most impacted: An article about how clients could help those affected by the invasion through philanthropy and other means.
Coutts clients can access our material on Ukraine either through the 440 app or by speaking to their private banker.
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