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What details are required to create a new domestic standing order?

Payment details

  • You can create a standing order to a payee you have saved, select the Payee Group and then select the Payee under Existing Payee.
  • Or you can enter new payment details
    • Payee Name - the name of the person or business you are paying.
    • Payee sort code - the sort code of the account holding branch of the bank where the funds are being paid to. This is a six digit number.

    • Payee account number - the eight digit number where the funds are being paid to.

    • Pay From - this field shows all the accounts that you are able to make payments from. Select the down arrow to see a list of your accounts then choose the account you wish to debit.

    • Amount - the amount you wish to pay.

Payment Method

  • Select Faster Payments if the amount is under £250k or CHAPS Payment if it is over £250k

Payee Reference

  • You can enter a reference which may appear on the payee's statement. This will help them establish where the payment has come from.
  • If you are paying a bill, you must ensure the reference field is completed according to the payee instructions. This is usually your account number but might be an invoice number or similar.
  • If you are paying a credit card bill then always put your 16-digit card number as the reference.


  • This determines when the payment will be made. Select the required frequency from the list. A standing order can be set up weekly, 2-weekly, monthly, 2-monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually. The payment will be made on the selected frequency based on the first payment date.

First payment date

  • This is the date the first payment will leave your account.

Final payment date

  • This is the how long you want this instruction to be in place for. You can leave the instruction in place until you specifically cancel it with us. Alternatively, you can specify either a fixed number of payments or a date for the last payment to be made.