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Where are the application forms for adding Company accounts to my private online service?

Company, sole trader or LLP accounts can be linked to your existing private online service enabling you to operate them all from a single login.

Please be aware of the following

  • The Faster Payment value date will default to the current day, where Faster Payments from your private accounts are free, charges do apply when debiting a business account View details of online charges 
  • As a private client you can order foreign currency online however, this only applies to your private accounts, any currency orders from a company account will not be processed.
  • If the company already has Coutts Online, please could you ask your banker to close it, if it is no longer required, once the accounts are added to your personal online access.

Third Party Application Form for Company accounts reporting in to a private client's service

Third Party Application Form for Sole Trader accounts reporting in to a private client's service

Third Party Application Form for LLP accounts reporting in to a private client's service