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Select User Rights

Payee Entry – This permission gives the user the ability to create a new payee so the saved payee details can be selected from a list

Dual Approval or Unrestricted:

By selecting Dual Approval if a user creates or amends a payee another user who also has the payee entry permission will need to approve the new/amended payee before it can be used. If this is selected you must have at least one other user with the payee entry permissions in place to be able to check them.

If Unrestricted is selected then this user will be able to create or amend a payee without the need of any further approval.

After selecting the Unrestricted or Dual Approval boxes, you will see payment types available. These options define the payee payment types the user will be able to create.

It is possible to mix approval levels for the different types of payments.

 Denotes that the change requires authorisation or further approval by another administrator if dual administration applies