NOTE: the below will be used to output form validation informations. Use "Initial:", "Result:", "RangeError:" and "CriticalError:" prefixes in a single paragraph/line to define form specific outputs. "Initial:" is the first message after form loads. "Result:" will display correct rate after correct completion of form. "RangeError:" will be show when user inputs amount that does not fit in any Tier. "CriticalError:" when there will be form configuration error. Do not put space after ":". Each config must be a single line paragraph. You can use $(AMOUNT) $(CURRENCY) $(TERM) or $(RATE) as placeholders for the user input provided in form (see Result: example).
Initial:Please fill the form to get your rates.
Result:To fix your deposit of $(AMOUNT) $(CURRENCY) for $(TERM) we will pay interest at $(RATE)p.a.
RangeError:The amount entered must be between 25,000 and 10m.
CriticalError:Please contact your private banker or Coutts 24.