When interest rates move it’s an important time to review your wealth plans because it’s a moment that presents opportunities as well as the chance to reassess your risk appetite and short-term savings.
3 min read
When interest rates move it’s an important time to review your wealth plans because it’s a moment that presents opportunities as well as the chance to reassess your risk appetite and short-term savings.
Our data finds a flourishing market for London’s super prime property – homes worth £10 million or more – despite tax changes announced in the government’s Autumn Budget. It also reveals more properties sold and significant discounts among properties priced at £1 million or more.
5 min read
Our data finds a flourishing market for London’s super prime property – homes worth £10 million or more – despite tax changes announced in the government’s Autumn Budget. It also reveals more properties sold and significant discounts among properties priced at £1 million or more.